Do you offer wholesale or an affiliate program?

Thanks for your interest in joining us to sell SugarPixel. Please understand that we offer products to the Type 1 community as close to our cost as possible. We do this because we do not want to artificially increase the price to put these out of the budget of anyone who may benefit from our products. We would love to work with you, but please understand that this strategy means we are unable to offer traditional wholesale pricing because it would require drastically raising the price of SugarPixel for everyone.

There can be some significant savings on shipping costs with bulk orders from us. But you may still need to sell SugarPixel slightly higher than our price if volume shipping discounts are not enough to cover your costs. If you're still interested, please email with your store details.

 If you are interested in our private affiliate program, please reach out to with a listing of your active social channels.

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